DMCA Policy
FreeIQTests.Online is for the protection of intellectual property rights and is in line with the DMCA. If you think there is some material that infringes your copyright on our site, please follow the below steps.
Submitting a DMCA Notice:
Your Contact Information: Your complete name, house address, phone number and email.
- Identify the Infringing Content: Describe clearly why you think it’s yours; provide websites or detail related to the content.
- State the Infringement: Include a reasoning why you think there has been an infringement of your own right of possession in relation to it, plus demonstrating or proof evidences.
- Certification: An individual must state they are the Copyright Owner or an authorized person by Owner, followed by confirmation statements confirming information provided in notice.
- Signature: The body of the notification must carry either a handwritten signature or electronic signature.
Kindly send your Disclaimer notice for prompt consideration and necessary actions in accordance with disclaimer provisions.
We appreciate your help in building a respectful and lawful atmosphere regarding Intellectual Property Rights Legally owned.